Monday, April 27, 2015

Rich and Powerful. . . Philippine Cuisine

In a country where happiness reigns supreme, it is no wonder how delectable every moment is when spent anywhere in its 7,107 islands. From one end to another, you will be treated to an array of festive merrymaking and celebrations that will surely have your cameras full with still and moving images – like any other.

Celebrations in the country is nothing compared in any other parts of the globe. I may be biased as I am Filipino born and raised but having spent time abroad, it's different when you are home. The vast dining table displaying sumptuous Filipino food recipes is a staple in any household.

True, the Philippines is not as financially endowed as the others but our ability to rise above challenges is what sets us apart from the rest. Every dish and recipe has a history. It has a story.. it is in itself a delicious story that holds forth secrets of the past.

From one recipe of adobo to another, kalderetang kambing to baka and even to exotic favorites, Philippine cuisine has truly made an impact to the world. Not only is our dishes easy on the budget and easy to prepare but they too are flavorful and savory unlike any other. We do not compromise the taste; neither do we compromise the ingredients used.

Fresh ingredients abound every where you look. From local produce to seafoods, the Philippines is a chestful of eveything you need for a feast. Not only that, for us Filipinos, cooking is already a feast in itself. With merrymaking as a primordial factor, nothing in the country is done without a smile in our faces.

When visiting the country, make sure to come during the festival season – which is, by the way, all year round. Do not plan on a definite itinerary. Instead, follow where your nose and feet leads you. Commute and experience rubbing elbows with the locals. Eat with them and you'll be in for a surprise. Here's a tip: the best tasting dishes are not found inside the malls!

With a bountiful harvest, expect nothing but the best tasting Philippine cuisine dishes from anywhere in the country. If you cannot seem to get enough (which is likely to happen), we too have a number of souvenir shops that carry a wide selection of food choices that represent each region in the country! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Delectable Journey in the Philippines

philippine cuisine
Image from:

Why do I travel? – a personal question that even I cannot answer. For a self-confessed wanderlust, I love the idea of booking a ticket, packing my bag and getting lost in a country (or city) unknown to me. I love the idea of stumbling upon petty misfortunes that turn into memories. In other words, I love to experience the many complexities of life.

In the Philippines, I am no different. Born and raised in one of the riches city in the country, I am lucky to have experienced a mixture of local and foreign influences that molded me to be the wanderlust that I am today. I see things in many different angles. Same goes with my food preference, Philippine cuisine, for me, is a historical mixture of delicious moments meant to be shared.

Just like, say, the adobo. For most of us, it's a typical braised chicken or pork stewed with vinegar and soy sauce to create a medley of flavors. On my end, I see it as an opportunity for us, Filipinos, to showcase our ability to mix and match flavors.

Imagine, a simple recipe of adobo has many versions. From all corners of the country, you will surely find a recipe that speaks of the city or town that you are in. We have the vinegar-soy sauce adobo then there's the ginataang adobo and then the chicken and pork adobo. Although the ingredients are the same, the variation usually is because of the local staple found in the locality.

It's not like we do not have an identity of our own when it comes to food, cooking and eating. We do. In all truth, we do. It's just that we want to make a mark of our own. In other words, we want to customize everything and call it our own. Our ingenuity pushes us to be creative in everything we do – even in our food.

Everywhere you go, you'll be treated to an extensive menu of gastronomically enticing dishes that are truly “Pinoy”. From the appetizer to the main dish to the dessert, you'll be in an adventure the moment you take a bite. This is not an exageration – this is the truth that everyone can attest to!

So, why do I travel?  Simple. I travel to satisfy my craving for a gastronomic adventure that only Philippine cuisine can give me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Delectable Journey in the Philippines

Why do I travel? – a personal question that even I cannot answer. For a self-confessed wanderlust, I love the idea of booking a ticket, packing my bag and getting lost in a country (or city) unknown to me. I love the idea of stumbling upon petty misfortunes that turn into memories. In other words, I love to experience the many complexities of life.

In the Philippines, I am no different. Born and raised in one of the riches city in the country, I am lucky to have experienced a mixture of local and foreign influences that molded me to be the wanderlust that I am today. I see things in many different angles. Same goes with my food preference, Philippine cuisine, for me, is a historical mixture of delicious moments meant to be shared.

Just like, say, the adobo. For most of us, it's a typical braised chicken or pork stewed with vinegar and soy sauce to create a medley of flavors. On my end, I see it as an opportunity for us, Filipinos, to showcase our ability to mix and match flavors.

Imagine, a simple recipe of adobo has many versions. From all corners of the country, you will surely find a recipe that speaks of the city or town that you are in. We have the vinegar-soy sauce adobo then there's the ginataang adobo and then the chicken and pork adobo. Although the ingredients are the same, the variation usually is because of the local staple found in the locality.

It's not like we do not have an identity of our own when it comes to food, cooking and eating. We do. In all truth, we do. It's just that we want to make a mark of our own. In other words, we want to customize everything and call it our own. Our ingenuity pushes us to be creative in everything we do – even in our food.

Everywhere you go, you'll be treated to an extensive menu of gastronomically enticing dishes that are truly “Pinoy”. From the appetizer to the main dish to the dessert, you'll be in an adventure the moment you take a bite. This is not an exageration – this is the truth that everyone can attest to!

So, why do I travel?  Simple. I travel to satisfy my craving for a gastronomic adventure that only Philippine cuisine can give me.

Monday, April 13, 2015

365 Days of Gastronomic Festival

image from:

Of the many festivals (or fiesta)  in the country, what is your favorite?

If you are a foreigner exploring the many islands of the archipelago, then you'll surely be in for a surprise. From one plateful of freshly cooked traditional Filipino food to another, there's nothing that can stop you from smiling ear to ear.

Yes, we Filipinos love to celebrate. And with every celebration, an unlimited supply of merrymaking, drinks and food is always a dining table staple. Every household is dressed to the occasion and more so, smells for the occasion.

Imagine walking around a town full of people from all walks of life and smelling the best of local dishes. Yes, this is a typical scene – even without a festival this is prevalent. For us, everyday is a reason to celebrate. . . also, to cook and eat, of course!

Personally, I love festivals. I love the town parade, late night shows at the town hall and party scene. I love the noisy night market and food stalls that features the best local cuisines in town. From appetizers to main course to dessert, festivals are the best if you want to go local.

More so, it is during festivals that you are able to buy locally grown produce in cheap bundles. I mean, go loco for pesticide-free greens and reds in one corner and fresh from the farm fruits on another. Munch on some freshly cooked kakanin and make your way around town with the help of friendly locals. With such an abundance, you'll surely have a blast turning them into kitchen favorites for all to love and enjoy.

Of the many festivals we have, I cannot choose a favorite. I have been to a number and I must say, the experience varies from one island to another. Even for a local like me, I always am surprised of the warmth and hospitality of people from all over. Whether you are friends with them or not, it does not matter. For at the end of the day, everyone's goal is to have fun and create memories to last a lifetime.

True enough, Philippine cuisine plays an integral part in every celebration. It is not authentic without a kakanin or pansit on the table. Most certainly not complete without a lechon on the center for all to feast on. Hence, the next time you visit our country, make it a point to join in the festivities and eat! See you!