Thursday, September 10, 2015

Philippine Cuisine – The Secret Spices Revealed

 It is a no brainer that Filipino cuisine is one of the bests. It has made a name globally that chefs all over the world serve this cuisine in their restaurants. Nevertheless, just like any other recipes, it has its own secret. While most food lovers can cook up something close to an authentic Filipino dish, that unique taste is quite a catch. 

So, what makes this cuisine different? How does it stand out from the rest of the cuisines out there? Well, nothing really. This cuisine is hardly definable since its roots come from a mishmash of cultures. The Philippine Cuisine, however, sets apart from the others (especially Asian cuisines) because of the dense usage of spices.

If other cuisines choose subtle flavorful hints, Filipinos are the other way around. They like to go big. It’s like they want the spices to go extinct. There is no wonder that this cuisine is unlike any others.

Below are few of the commonly used spices:

1.)    Garlic and Onions – Just like Romeo and Juliet, these two go together. From meat to fish (and even vegetable) dishes, these two can spice up the flavor. Oh, and by the way, remember to wash onions with water before cutting. Some say it can stop you from crying. 

2.)    Lemongrass – Its leaves and stalks have strong odor. The leaves have a small pinch of citrus, making it a perfect ingredient for soups, teas, meat sauces and even gravy.

3.)    Bay Leaf – This is an exact fit for Philippine recipes. The leaf itself is suitable for dips and sauces to dishes like Mechado and Menudo. Usually, the preferred ones are the dried Bay Leaves. The dried ones add an exceptional taste.

4.)    Chili – Nothing spices any Filipino food better than chili peppers. As a matter of fact, people in the Bicol region are known for adding massive chilies to their dishes. Their Bicol Express is undeniably the most popular.

5.)    Ginger – Most Asian cuisines use ginger. There’s no doubt Philippines is one of them. Filipinos love to add ginger to soups and stew dishes like chicken stew (tinola). Ginger is for the love of aroma and flavor.

Generosity in spices makes the Philippine dishes so much different. So when cooking Filipino food recipes, remember to spice up a bit!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Mighty, Meaty Pinoy Dishes

The Philippines is big on meat dishes that is either stewed, broiled or char-grilled. For many, the option is neverending hence the availability of choices that could go for miles. However, one best thing about the many meat dishes of the country is that they are made with a combination of vegetables and fruits.

Yes, meat dishes normally involve a variety of ingredients that makes for the textured flavour of the dish itself. Philippine cuisine is always like that – big on ingredients, big on taste. Dishes are never short on taste hence the very reason why they are loved by locals and foreigners alike. One other thing is the colorful finished product. Truly, you are holistically satisfied with every Filipino dish you encounter.

Adobo. Made with chicken or pork or a combination of both, this antiquated dish is a favorite and a foremost candidate as everyone's favorite comfort food. Made with soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaf, a cooked adobo gives off a fragrant smell that makes everyone hungry. As a variation, many add chunks of pineapple, sour mango and even pomelo pieces to their adobo. Have you tried one?

Kalderta. Mostly made of goat meat chunks, the kaldereta is a favorite for celebrations and fiestas. Not only is it rich in meat but more so, it has chunks of vegetables and fruits slices that makes it more delicious. Chunks of potatoes, carrots, green peas, pineapple and cheese cubes are just some of the flavorful add-ons that makes this stewed dish a hearty one for everyone to enjoy.  What's your best kaldereta recipe?

Kare-Kare. A chunky and nutty dish perfect for any given day. It is cooked using oxtail, chunks of vegetables and peanut butter. Quite weird? Well, for some, yes but once you take a bite, you'll be treated to an explosion of flavors unlike any other. Don't forget the shrimp paste on the side.

Though not entirely of Filipino origin still, many meat recipes have been steamed and loved by many. Steamed white chicken with mushroom pieces and potatoes on the side is perfect for a rainy day. Nowadays, broiled and boiled meats are steamed for an additional depth in flavor. Mix and match the flavors and create a food combination perfect for your cravings.

Truly, Philippine cuisine is a cut above the rest. It is not only for local palates but more so, it explores the international cravings as well. When in town, grab a bite and be mesmerized on the flavours of the country in every bite.