Monday, April 13, 2015

365 Days of Gastronomic Festival

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Of the many festivals (or fiesta)  in the country, what is your favorite?

If you are a foreigner exploring the many islands of the archipelago, then you'll surely be in for a surprise. From one plateful of freshly cooked traditional Filipino food to another, there's nothing that can stop you from smiling ear to ear.

Yes, we Filipinos love to celebrate. And with every celebration, an unlimited supply of merrymaking, drinks and food is always a dining table staple. Every household is dressed to the occasion and more so, smells for the occasion.

Imagine walking around a town full of people from all walks of life and smelling the best of local dishes. Yes, this is a typical scene – even without a festival this is prevalent. For us, everyday is a reason to celebrate. . . also, to cook and eat, of course!

Personally, I love festivals. I love the town parade, late night shows at the town hall and party scene. I love the noisy night market and food stalls that features the best local cuisines in town. From appetizers to main course to dessert, festivals are the best if you want to go local.

More so, it is during festivals that you are able to buy locally grown produce in cheap bundles. I mean, go loco for pesticide-free greens and reds in one corner and fresh from the farm fruits on another. Munch on some freshly cooked kakanin and make your way around town with the help of friendly locals. With such an abundance, you'll surely have a blast turning them into kitchen favorites for all to love and enjoy.

Of the many festivals we have, I cannot choose a favorite. I have been to a number and I must say, the experience varies from one island to another. Even for a local like me, I always am surprised of the warmth and hospitality of people from all over. Whether you are friends with them or not, it does not matter. For at the end of the day, everyone's goal is to have fun and create memories to last a lifetime.

True enough, Philippine cuisine plays an integral part in every celebration. It is not authentic without a kakanin or pansit on the table. Most certainly not complete without a lechon on the center for all to feast on. Hence, the next time you visit our country, make it a point to join in the festivities and eat! See you!

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