Thursday, August 13, 2015

Philippine Cuisine – A Mouthwatering Dip to an Eccentric Cuisine

Restaurants all over the world serve varieties of dishes that tickle the taste buds of food lovers. From Western to Oriental cuisine, Italian to French, there is no stopping. In every event or situation, people find comfort and satisfaction in food.

Lo and behold, Philippine Cuisine, best known for its eccentricity and unequaled multi-cultural combination. At first, people may find the look of the Filipino dishes weird. But, surprisingly, the elements/ingredients, preparation and execution are incomparable to anything in the world. Let alone its taste. That’s what makes it fascinating.

It is just right to say that food preparation is a part of human nature. Hence, the journey to finding that satisfaction never ends. However, food enthusiasts have yet to chance upon a cuisine that is both distinctive and sophisticated.

In historical accounts, the Philippine cuisine has been shaped by colonialism. One is the Spanish colony led by Ferdinand Magellan. This colonization resulted to the introduction of Iberian ingredients, which is from a race that has an exquisite style of food preparation. Furthermore, the country is rich of cultural roots so as to explain the variety of dishes.

The frontier of Philippine cuisine is the Adobo. Celebrities and other well-known people, who have visited the country, are witnesses to this most lauded dish of the Philippines. Even the “High School Musical” kid wonder Zac Efron submits to its deliciousness and admits trying to cook one. He is still having difficulty saying Adobo though. 

Undeniably, the Philippine cuisine is not only stapled by Adobo. The country’s cuisine is as vast as the ocean. There is the ever famous “Lechon Baboy.” The country’s affair with pork is never-ending. But, Filipinos love seafood and fish dishes, too. It has a huge role in the Filipino diet. “Kinilaw,” fried “Bangus (Milkfish),” and “Crab Omelet” just to name a few.

Food is a necessity for all reasons there are. It is present during celebrations and festivities. The love for food has brought different cultures together. The Filipino food is one of the many cuisines that illustrate this togetherness. It is a tool that can vessel our love and appreciation to others.

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