Monday, July 6, 2015

Filipino Food: Transcending Beyond Borders

Fusion of flavors has been around since way back. The idea of combining (or marrying) flavors to achieve a more edgier taste is one culinary secret that many has yet to master. Just like the world wide web, flavor combination is a great avenue to help bridge the distance around and across the globe. In truth, this idea has made everyone travel without the hustle of airport queuing.

In the light of Philippine cuisine, it's not fusion of cuisines and flavors that makes the dishes all the more delicious and delectable. The fact that the country is composed of 7,000 plus islands, you'll most certainly have a diverse version of a single recipe. And that is not me exagerating. That is the truth.

Take the instance of Adobo. Coined as a Filipino dish landmark, you'll be amazed of the number of recipes we have for this. From the typical soy sauce and vinegar combo to the one's with coconut cream, every where you go, you'll have a different take on this famous dish. Why, you might ask?

For starters, the Philippines is very abundant when it comes to ingredients and fresh produce. That's from all forms of natural resources. With such, every region boasts of a particular ingredient native to their locale. To make it even more special, they incorporate the ingredient/s in a dish that will make it their own.  Talk about identification – in a more delicious and gastronomic way, that is.

Aside from incorporating local ingredients, Filipinos love to experiment and are big on flavors. Not to sawy from the notion of fusion but this means using available ingredients at home. What they have at home (inside their pantry), they will use to their advantage thus creating another level of flavor to the already savory dish.

Another is the idea of exploration. Just like the aforementioned, Filipinos love to mix and match flavors. The more they explore in their farmer's market, the more they are able to create a new level of flavor that they can call their own. In short, mixing and matching of ingredients is like connecting the regions in one pan. 

Filipino food is truly a declaration of ingenuity and unparalled creativity that transcends beyond borders. So, the next time you are in the country, make room for a delicious gastronomic feast. Forget about your calorie count and  try some of the best tasting local dishes this side of the globe has to offer.

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